Sunday, June 24, 2012

Let's get Cookin'! || Inspiration

So I'm a bit of a Pinterest addict...but who isn't? It keeps me inspired, motivated and always distracts me. I've found some of the best recipes ever on Pinterest and I'd like to share this culinary goodness with all of you. 

I used to be able to get through my days without a cup of coffee but that came to an end soon enough. I am a big crab if I don't have my coffee in the morning now! This magical coffee really is magical. The cinnamon and brown sugar wakes me up a bit more and in my opinion, there's no need for cream ;)

I LOVE flavored water. I will most likely always have a lemon or lime in my water bottle...but these water ideas inspired me to switch it up a bit! 

Yum! Cherry tomatos, parmesan, chicken, garlic...what more could you want? I made this for Mother's Day and it was so delicious. I was a little hesitant if it would blow my mind or not, but this dish definitely blew my mind.

One of the reasons I love summer so much is because of the fresh food. Strawberries, spinach, corn, mangos. Some people might think "yuck" when they think "strawberry spinach salad" but I can assure you this salad is the essence of summer. 

Remember when I made this? I found the recipe on Pinterest! If you read about this yummy strawberry limeade or made it, let me know if you love it as much as me ;)

Crock pots are life savers, are they not? I made this honey sesame chicken in my trusty crock pot back in the fall and it was oh, so good.

Salsa is good but taco dip is even better and heavenly when it's skinny. I made this for the super bowl way back in February.

Slutty brownies. Yes, these are called slutty brownies. Just look at that picture. Need I say more?

The mug brownie. Classic and so, so easy. Go make one right now.

These are most of the recipes I've tried from Pinterest so far! Let me know what recipes you've tried from Pinterest :)

Happy Sunday!

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