Monday, June 11, 2012

Week 24 || Project 52

Drumroll please...the Mark II arrived this week! I must admit I almost hugged the UPS lady when she delivered the humungous box to me. Definitely the most beautiful cardboard box I've ever laid my eyes on!

This week was pretty busy so I didn't have much time to play with the Mark II but I made time! Lots of sunsets, bonfires, and late night walks. 

Five things I'm looking forward to this week
  1. Senior photoshoots
  2. Concert of Prayer on Wednesday at 7 at Harvest
  3. Playing with the Mark II!
  4. Summer classes starting [sounds nerdy but I'm taking two photo classes :)]
  5. Going to Wisconsin with the family on Friday. Cannot wait! 
What are you looking forward to this week?