Saturday, December 1, 2012

November in Instagrams || Personal

I love November. It holds the peak of fall, chai tea lattes, candles always burning, crisp fall air, thankfulness and the anticipation of winter. This November filled me with joy, hope, faith and patience.    Spontaneous trips to the city, breakfast on Saturday mornings, fireworks, good friends, foggy mornings and road trips. 

I went a little instagram crazy because I got an iPhone 5 after being due for an upgrade. I'm kinda thrilled.

Our pleasure and our duty, though opposite before, since we have seen his beauty are joined to part no more
Day after Thanksgiving :: snow
& the greatest ending of all. This, my friends, is Ellie, the newest member of my family. We adopted her & she is a miracle. 

Happy December! So excited for all that this month holds.

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