Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Week 51 || Project 52

1 week left of Project 52. This is week 51 and I can barely believe it. This project has had it's ups and downs, it's peaks and valleys. This has been an adventure. This has been a journey. When I started this project I toyed with the idea of it being "52 weeks of self-portraits." Well, that didn't last very long (and I never really liked the idea that much anyway.) Every once in awhile it's fun to push my limits and give it a try at self-portraiture. Some think it's vain, conceited, while others think it's a beautiful expression of self. I stand in the middle of those two standpoints ;) 
On another note...1 week till Christmas! The week of crazy shoppers, cookie baking and last-minute wrapping. It hasn't snowed yet in Chicago so it doesn't feel like Christmas. But I am so excited to celebrate Christ's birth. I love Christmas Eve with my family and the anticipation of a new year coming. 

Merry Christmas, friends :)

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