Wednesday, February 6, 2013

January in Instagrams

January was a great month. I rang in 2013 in Georgia, celebrated my birthday, there were lots of hikes, accepted to Moody Bible Institute for Fall 2013, a trip to the art museum, a new semester (last one as a photo student!) and lots of blessings. Life is just good and God is unbelievably gracious. Here are some great moments from January:
(stay tuned till the end for some important info!)

Most of the instagrams from this month were from Passion 2013. Easily one of my favorite parts of the year. So beautiful to spend a week with college-aged students seeking the Lord and raising our voices for those trapped in slavery. Human-trafficking breaks my heart. Did you know that there are 27 million people trapped in slavery right now? That's more today than at any other point in time. Please go to to learn more about it and what you can do. I'd also encourage you all to go to to find out how many slaves work for you. This is a great resource to see how you affect the world and what you can do. 

Thank you. I just really appreciate all of you and your love. You're so wonderful! I hope your January was phenomenal. Follow me on instagram and I'd love to follow you back.


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