Tuesday, September 3, 2013

August in Instagrams || Peronsal

Woah. August is over. Fall is coming. I'm pumped.
August was a month of saying goodbye and hello. Lots of nostalgia and lasts. Saying goodbye to my oh, so comfortable bed & hometown in the suburbs and saying hello to a foam mattress and a big city full of possibility. I love it. I'm so happy. Life is good and God is faithful 

I've started the search for a new church home. I've begun digging deeper into the Word of God. I am leaning so much. I don't have time for much else but I wouldn't have it any other way. I can't believe that a year ago, Moody was just a though and now I am here. It's been amazing exploring coffee shops, city streets and hearing the sound of sirens as a lullaby every night. This is the good life.

Follow me on Instagram here.


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