Yes, you read the title of this blog post right. This is week 52. This is the end of the year in photographs. If this is your first time hearing of the 52 week project, let me help you out! This year I set out on an adventure with several photographers around the nation (& the world!) to take a photograph each week. Now, it doesn't sound like much work, but let me tell you it was! Life happens. Sometimes you let the things you love most go. It was a struggle for me to pick up my camera once a week and photograph something that meant something to me. But...
I'm sad it's over. I'm mostly amazed though. Amazed at the fact that 2012 is over and this project was actually accomplished. I am officially not a quitter. There were weeks when I had absolutely no desire to work on this and weeks when I had too many photos to choose from. But enough with the chatting, let's get to the very last week of Project 52.
The last week of December is the best week of the year. It holds Christmas & a new beginning. This week I woke up for the sun rise [even though the sun didn't really just got light outside] and went on a photo adventure which doesn't happen much anymore. Like I said, life happens and we drop the things we love the most. There were few times that I woke up super early just to take photographs. But there is nothing like those days. Wake up when the fog is still thick and it's still dark outside. Wake up when the birds aren't even chirping and before your alarm clock wakes you.

A lot of this project meant going back to my roots. The challenge of photographing for the love of it. Not to take photographs of someone's event or a special moment in their life...but to photograph events in my life and special moments in my life. I spent a lot of time this morning looking up. I don't have much interest in what is right in front of me. The roads look plain and the grass is brown. But if I look up I see the way that the little twigs of the trees paint the sky and the birds flying off.

So that's it. Week 52. The final week of Project 52.
I kind of don't want this post to end or the project but I know it has to at some point. It's been an incredibly memorable journey. I've been more inspired this year by this project than ever before. To those of you who have been following this project since the very beginning, THANK YOU. I cannot tell you how much it means to me. To those of you who started reading this that had no idea what this project is about, THANK YOU. It means the world that you read and viewed this.
Love to all of you.
[p.s. a summarized post on Project 52 will be up in 2013!]