Friday, June 7, 2013

Kevin || Portrait

Kevin (AKA KJdesign) is one of the most talented graphic designers I know. I met Kevin through my church and soon found out that he is a ridiculously talented graphic designer. This guy is going places! His style is innovative, inspiring and simply beautiful. Kevin is inspired by nature, so no better place to go than The Morton Arboretum. I love working with other creative people because they are willing to try anything! I am so excited for the projects Kevin and I will be collaborating on...keep your eyes open!


  1. Alison!!!!!! THSES ARE SO FLIPPIN' GORGEOUS! girl, the colors & tones in these make me drool. ;) mmmmm. these feel so natural, easy. great job!!

    1. AMELIA. I so appreciate it. You are lovely!! xo


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