Monday, April 1, 2013

March in Instagrams || Personal

Is March already over? My goodness, this month was busy. So many photos, projects, much so that I barely blogged! March was abnormally [and sadly] very snowy. But with March over, I'm that much closer to moving to Chicago [less than 5 months to be exact!] and we are closer to the exciting news for high school seniors! I'm really thrilled to be announcing a program for you seniors very, very soon. 

Anyway, let's get on with this month in Instagrams!
DIY projects that bring me joy. *hoping* to do something creative everyday. Amazing sunsets on the drive home from work. Homemade pancakes on a snow day in March. Photographing a snowy garden. Seek the Lord with all your heart. Hoop nose ring. Sunflowers on the bedside table. Kinfolk & cinnamon toast in the morning. Joy in the courts of the Lord. Besties 21st birthday! (so of course I made her 5 different kinds of brownies) Going to smell flowers because I am longing for spring. Ellie turned 1 so I got her a birthday bone...DUH! Impromptu trips to the city. Best lattes & chai's ever. Crazy beautiful sunset peaking through all the skyscrapers. Good Friday & Easter (my fav holidays). In awe. Grateful. Joy.

March was good to me. How was your March?



  1. oh man, these are beaut! can't wait to come to the windy city & see the bean finally! ;) one of these days...soon.

    1. Yes yes :) Chicago would love to have you!
