Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spring has sprung

This winter was colder than most. This winter was snowy for far too long. This winter is GONE. Praises and joy and dancing! I have been waiting for spring for oh, so long. & it is finally here. I've had plenty of days stuck inside, day-dreaming about fresh grass, blossoming flowers and spring adventures. Here are some goals/thoughts/ponderings/possibilities for spring:

& of course who could forget more coffee dates & less work, book senior sessions and roll out the senior 2013/2014 search, and drink more natural juice! I love spring. Spring is definitely my favorite season. It is the first sight of new life, green grass, blossoming flowers and sunshine. The sun is finally back! After terrible winters in Chicago, Spring is so refreshing.

Share your spring dreams with me below in the comments :)

Love & of course happy spring,

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