Thursday, May 2, 2013

April in Instagrams || Personal

"April showers bring May flowers." It's been a rough winter here in Chicago & an even worse April with all the flooding, but the 70/80 degree days are on their way. April was good to me. 

May means a lot. A lot of chapters ending and a whole lot of new ones beginning. I've completed my photography program, launched a program for you seniors [that I'm really excited about!] & lots more happened. Lots of long walks with Ellie in the sun. The grass started to turn green again. Finishing final projects & making a new photo book. Taking a lovely road trip into the wilderness with some beautiful & amazing friends. 

April was great.

My extremely talented & lovely friend Sara had shows every Wednesday in the month of April at the Hard Rock in Chicago. So rad. She is also starting to work on a brand new album- check out her project here
This is my home town. If you weren't aware, the Midwest got hit pretty bad with some flooding. A lot of people in my home town lost absolutely everything. It is devastating. 

Now here comes Spring! How was your April & how does your May look?!


You can follow me on Instagram here.

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