Woah, it's already July. Today marks one month of blogging and it's been a lovely month.
Last month was full of breakfast dates, road trips, puppies and ice cream. Add some new camera gear, lake house trips and weddings to that and you've got June! This month was lovely for so many reasons...take a look!

1. My cousin Stephanie graduated from Knox College this June! Practically my whole family went to school there so she did her part in carrying the tradition ;) 2. The 5D Mark II arrived this month! Ahh! I practically hugged the UPS lady when she delivered it to me. 3. Intern adventures at
Harvest with Mandy. This month we hand-delivered gifts to all of the incoming 6th graders. 4. Unfortunately I managed to break my glasses in June but...I got to order 5 pairs of glasses to test out from
Warby Parker for free! Seriously, they're amazing. I'm still debating between the
Japhy & the
Miles. $95 for a beautiful pair of glasses is a dream. 5. Summer sunsets are my favorite. Even better on the top of parking garages and with good friends. See a better picture of this sunset
here. 6. Mornings at the
lake house are absolutely delightful. Coffee drinking, reading Luke and being amazed at God's glory. 7. Sunsets at the lake house are even better than sunsets on top of parking garages. Nothing can beat boat rides on a glass-like lake while the sun falls. 8. 2 free drinks from Starbucks this month...thanks to my coffee addiction and
Gold membership. 9. I started a wet plate collodion this month and it is the most fascinating photographic process I've tried thus far. Loving these adventures. Watch
this to learn more about wet plate. 10. You know you have an awesome job when you get to hang out at the park and play earth ball soccer with junior highers. 11. Late night Yogli Mogli with some of my favorite people. 12. If you didn't already know, I am a Dane. My mom came to America when she was 6 and for my cousin Stephanie's graduation she made kransekage which is a danish cookie cake made with almond paste and sugar. 13. Summer is for cousin love and outdoor parties. 14.
Painting after a long week and a long week ahead is always good. 15. Monday mornings. Baking & coffee...doesn't get much better. 16. Tuesday mornings are for coffee dates with the horses.
June seriously flew by. I cannot believe it's already July. More lake house trips are in order (I'm actually going up in two days!), days in the city and going to a drive-in movie or two. I may or may not have succeeded at all four of my June goals (I only reach one...oops!) but it's time for some July goals.
1. Get the June goals done! Sheesh!
2. Read more. [hopefully two books!]
3. Go on more bike rides!
How was your June?! Any big plans for July?
Happy July!