Wednesday, January 9, 2013

13 DIYs for 2013

I don't really do new years resolutions. Just like everyone else, I end up disappointed that I don't accomplish them. The only sort of resolution I make is "doing more projects." After finishing Project 52, I feel like I need to get my hands on something new. I'm notorious for pinning a million DIY's on Pinterest and barely accomplishing any of them. So 2013 is a DIY kinda year. I decided to pick out 13 projects that I could accomplish this year. My resolution for 2013 is "make more things."

5. Scrabble Tile Coasters

6. 2013 Memory Jar

7.  Instagram wall/canvases

8. Modern wall art with paint swatches

9. Candles

10. Framed Jewelry Display

Pretty stinkin' excited to get moving on these projects! They will simplify my life and get things organized. Always good :) Do you have any new years resolutions? Are there any DIYs that you've been putting off? Share them with me!


1 comment:

  1. girl, these are so fun! I'd seen some of these around but a few are new. Definitely wanting to try the coasters now!


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